Level of Acceptability of Different Snacks in Hospitalized Oncology Patients


  • Victoria Fornaresio División Alimentación. Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernández. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Delfina Maria Gries División Alimentación. Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernández. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • David Carelli División Alimentación. Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernández. Buenos Aires
  • Rocio Lema Hospital General de Agudos Juan A. Fernández (Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires).


diet therapy, integrative oncology, dietary supplements, snack


Introduction: Malnutrition and cachexia are common in oncology patients and are associated with worse prognosis, irrespective of body weight. The aim of the present study was to compare the general acceptability index (GAI) of different overnutrition reinforcements (OR) consumed by patients with a diagnosis of oncological disease during at least one week of hospitalisation at the Juan A. Fernández Hospital in the period between February and June 2023.
Materials and methods: The design was observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective. Two SR were developed and adapted to the study population. Acceptability was assessed by means of a self-developed semi-structured survey comparing three SR: multi-fruit smoothie, orange and vanilla dessert, and commercial oral nutritional supplement.
Results: The sample consisted of 55 patients, 52 % male, mean age 55.09 years (±12.96 SD). Ninety-eight per cent were at risk of moderate malnutrition according to VGS-GP. The GSI was greater than 70% for all SR. Multifruit smoothie had the highest score [97 (RIQ +/-21.85)], with no differences reported according to tumour location. Although the referred symptomatology did not influence the IAG of the different RS, lower acceptability index specific to taste and flavour could be appreciated.
Conclusions: Given the crucial role of the nutritional approach in oncological treatment, the SRs developed and the results obtained can be used to improve the quality of the treatment provided.
Keywords: Nutritional treatment, oncology, overfeeding reinforcement.


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How to Cite

Fornaresio, V., Gries, D. M., Carelli, D. ., & Lema, R. (2024). Level of Acceptability of Different Snacks in Hospitalized Oncology Patients. Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. Retrieved from https://revistanutricionclinicametabolismo.org/index.php/nutricionclinicametabolismo/article/view/594



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