Level of acceptability of different snacks in hospitalized oncology patients
diet therapy, integrative oncology, dietary supplements, snackAbstract
Background: 80.00 % of oncologic patients are malnourished, yet only 30.00 % receive early nutritional interventions.
Objective: Compare the general acceptability index (GAI) of different snacks consumed by patients with a diagnosis of oncologic disease during at least one week of hospitalization in a public hospital in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires between February and June 2023.
Methods: The design was observa- tional, descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective. Two snacks were developed according to the preferences reported by oncologic patients. Acceptability was evaluated by means of a self-developed semi-structured survey comparing three snacks: multi-fruit smoothie, orange and vanilla dessert, and commercial oral nutri- tional supplement.
Results: The sample consisted of 55 patients, 52.00 % male, mean age 55.09 years (±12.96 SD), of whom 98.00 % had moderate malnutrition risk according to Scored Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (SP-SGA). The GAI was > 70.00 % for all the snacks. The multi-fruit smoothie had the highest score [97 (RIQ ±21.85)] and no differences were reported according to tumour location. Although the referred symptomatology did not in- fluence the GAI of the different snacks, a lower acceptability index specific to flavor and aroma was observed.
Conclusions: All snacks offered obtai- ned a GAI greater than 70.00 %, without as- sociation with tumor location or symptoms. The present study shows the importance of early personalized dietary intervention to increase treatment adherence.
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