Medical and nutritional applications of bioelectric impedance (BIA) in the critically ill patient: A narrative review
Critical Illness, Electric Impedance, Nutritional Status, Body Composition, Critical Care OutcomesAbstract
Evaluation of body composition in critically ill patients has become a key component over the last decade due to its relationship with clinical outcomes. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is one of the available tools for measuring body composition, promoted for its low cost, safety, and ease of use compared to other devices. There are a variety of BIA devices on the market that use different currents, typically 50 kilohertz (kHz). There are several parameters for assessing muscle conditions, including impedance, phase angle (PhA), and the ratio between reactance (R) and resistance (Xc). PhA measures muscle R and Xc and provides information about the quantity and state of the skeletal muscle cell membrane. A PhA value between 4.1° and 6° has been proposed as a prognostic marker in critically ill patients. The measurement technique must be standardized and validated for the specific population to allow for comparison across studies. BIA has broad applicability in critically ill patients for nutritional risk identification, tracking intervention progress, and assessing impact on clinical outcomes. Additionally, BIA serves as a prognostic factor, as it identifies patients with a high risk of admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), prolonged ICU stay and hospitalization, mechanical ventilation, functional impairment and mortality. Understanding the evidence onBIA applications and its relationship to clinical outcomes in critically ill patients is necessary for decision-making.
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