Use of NutriScore and functional capacity assessment in ambulatory cancer patients




ECOG, NutriScore, Evaluación nutricional, Paciente oncológico



 Background: Malnutrition, frequent in cancer patients, is related to a decrease in their functional capacity. NutriScore is a specific tool to measure the risk of malnutrition in outpatients with cancer. 

Objective: To determine the nutritional risk and functional status of patients attending the Oncology Day Hospital of the “Norberto Quirno” Medical Education and Clinical Research Center (CEMIC). 

Methods: Descriptive, observational, cross-sectional prospective study. Non-probabilistic sampling. NutriScore and the ECOG scale were used. The presence of symptoms related to food intake and food restriction was studied. Means, standard deviations and absolute and relative frequencies were calculated. The association between variables was determined using the Chi square test. 

Results: A total of 200 patients were included. A risk of malnutrition was found in 7%, and 36.5% of patients were overweight, according to BMI. Functional status was preserved in 90.5%; 62% presented symptoms related to food intake, the most frequent being anorexia and constipation; 33% eliminated some food from their diet, the most frequent being dairy products and gluten-containing foods. A significant association was found between nutritional risk and tumor type (

= 0.002), treatment setting (p = 0.015), and treatment (p = 0.032). 

Conclusion: The risk of malnutrition according to NutriScore was lower than described in the literature and was not associated with functional status. 


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How to Cite

Capelli, O. A., Navarro, P., & Adaglio, J. (2022). Use of NutriScore and functional capacity assessment in ambulatory cancer patients. Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, 5(4), 21–29.