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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript must meet the items on the Checklist.
  • When submitting the manuscript, the corresponding author must submit the following files to the OJS platform:
    1) Presentation letter, 2) Title page, 3) Manuscript, 4) Resume format (1 format per author), 5) Statement of Author's Commitment format signed by all authors, 6) Checklist signed by all authors.

    Not submitting one of these files may cause the rejection of your manuscript.
  • The corresponding author must include the complete details of all authors (names, email address, institution, ORCID numbers) on the platform.

Author Guidelines


 The submission of articles must be done through the webpage:

When submitting the manuscript, the corresponding author must upload the following files to the OJS platform:

  1. Presentation letter
  2. Title page
  3. Manuscript
  4. Resume format (1 format per author)
  5. Statement of Author's Commitment format signed by all authors
  6. Checklist signed by all authors.

Likewise, the corresponding author must include the complete details of all authors (names, email address, institution, ORCID numbers) on the platform. The author will receive a confirmation email, initiating the peer-review process of the manuscript.

Not submitting one of these files may cause the rejection of your manuscript.



Without exception, manuscripts will be submitted to a complete evaluation by the Editor for its initial validation. Criteria for this first step include originality, data validation, clarity of writing, authorization by the ethics and research committee of where the research was conducted, strength of conclusions and relevance of the work in the field of clinical nutrition and metabolism.

The Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism adheres to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines. Manuscripts should be prepared following the recommendations, which can be find in

The Journal only accepts original articles, so the submission of any manuscript for consideration by the Editorial Committee indicates it is original and has not been previously published or is being evaluated for publication in other journal. Previously published works in indexed journals are not allowed. National or international clinical guidelines or recommendations published by other journals may be published after validation by the Editor and once the required permissions to published have been granted. Authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permissions to partially reproduce the material, wither text, tables or figures, which should be attached to the article submitted to the journal.

The Editor is responsible for the decision of accepting or rejecting manuscripts sent to the Journal for their publication.



Editorial acceptance. The approval of articles is done in two steps: the first being the editorial approval of the topic and content. In a period of 30 days maximum, from the reception of the article, the corresponding author will be notified via e-mail if the submitted manuscript meets the standards and requirements detailed in the Checklist format.

Peer-review. The second step is the external and anonymous double-blind review of the manuscript. Every manuscript will be reviewed by two external peer experts to evaluate the scientific quality of the manuscript. A third opinion may be requested to review a manuscript, which will be sent to specialists in the field. With two or three opinions, the Editor will define its publication. The corresponding author will receive the final decision in a period of maximum 60 days, which could be: accepted / not accepted / resend for review / accepted with modifications.



The journal has the following six sections: Editorials, Original Article, Case Report, Reviews (includding controversies), Protocols and Others (includes letters to the editor, news about activities of the Colombian Association of Clinical Nutrition [ACNC], interviews, etc.).

  • Editorials. Both, the editorial and the guest editorials are the Editor’s responsibility and will assign any member of the Editorial Committee or guest researcher to review it. Editorials are about orientation in the domain or thematic field of the journal.
  • Original Article. This section presents results of basic and clinical research. They can be clinical trials, observational studies, studies with animals, etc. in order to encourage research in basic sciences, in the field of clinical nutrition and metabolism. The Journal publishes the articles that present the results of these research in the subsection “Experimental”.
  • Case Report. Description of one to four case reports of exceptional observation that represent an important contribution to the field of clinical nutrition and metabolism; each case should be accompanied by a critical review of the literature. Description of new clinical or surgical procedure related to nutrition or diet.
  • Review. A review article is a selective and critical study that integrates essential information on a topic in the field of clinical nutrition and metabolism. Reviews can be narrative (literature review) or systematic (umbrella or scope). Meta-analysis will be published in this section.
  1. Narrative review. These types of articles are publications that describe and discuss the state of science on a specific topic from a contextual and theoretical point of view. The goal is to publish a state of the art through updated scientific evidence about the topic.
  2. Systematic reviews seek to gather all the evidence that adjusts to the pre-specified selection criteria to address a specific research question. Their goal is to minimize bias using explicit and systematic methods.
  3. Scoping reviews are a type of literature review whose aim is to provide a general description of the type, scope and amount of research available about a specific topic. By “mapping” existing research, a scoping review may identify possible research gaps and future research needs and do so by using systematic and transparent methods.

Controversies. They are published in the Review section. It includes opinion, educational and review articles about basic or clinical topics relevant to clinical nutrition and that are subject of controversy in the international literature. The goal is to publish state-of-the-art articles, to clarify the different positions on the subject and give some recommendations.

  • Protocols and Clinical Guidelines. Research protocols will be published with the goal to promote clinical research that has an impact and improve reproducibility, methodology, transparency, competitiveness and network collaboration.
  • Others. In this section interviews, clinical practice guidelines and results of consensus or work groups of the ACNC are published. In this section it will also be published abstracts of research works of congresses.

Letters to the editor. These are objections or comments regarding articles published in the journal.



The manuscript must be sent in Microsoft Word in Spanish, English or Portuguese. The text must be in Times New Roman, 12-point size, 1,5 line spacing and 2,54 margins in all sides. No additional space should be placed between paragraphs and the text should be justified.

The text should have line numbers throughout the file, starting from the first page.

The title of the manuscript should have a maximum of 15 words and be translated to English and Portuguese.

The title of the manuscript should NOT be in all caps or end with a period (.).

Italics should only be used for words in English or another language within the text of the manuscript.

Numbers from 0 to 9 should be written out (zero, ...nine); numbers from 10 onwards should be in numeric form (10, 20…).

Decimal numbers should be written with a comma (,) and two decimal places (e.g., 45,00); integers should be written with a period (.).

The percent sign (%) should be separated from the number (e.g., 45,00 %).

Structured abstract

All articles must have a structured abstract in Spanish, English AND Portuguese. They must have the following format:

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Key words (3 to 6)

The maximum length of the abstract for all articles is 250 words.

Key words must be included in the MeSH ( and/or DeCS ( thesaurus.

Manuscript structure according to the type of article:

Original Articles

  • Introduction
  • Key points of the article (minimum 5)
  • Materials and Methods (include statistics, ethical considerations and statement).
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Tables and figures

Maximum length of the manuscript: 5.000 words without references, tables, and graphics.

Maximum of tables and/or figures: 5

Original articles resulting from quantitative scientific and technological research must follow the STROBE guideline checklist for observational studies / CONSORT for randomized clinical trials.

Original articles resulting from qualitative scientific and technological research must follow the COREQ guideline checklist.

Case reports 

  • Introduction
  • Key points indicating clinical relevance (minimum 5)
  • Patient Information [Clinical case(s)]
  • Clinical Findings
  • Timeline
  • Diagnostic Assessment
  • Therapeutic Intervention
  • Follow-up and Outcomes
  • Discussion
  • Patient Perspective
  • Informed Consent
  • References
  • Tables and figures.

Maximum length of the manuscript: 5.000 words without references, tables, and graphics.

Maximum of tables and/or figures: 5

Case reports must follow the CARE guideline checklist.

Reviews (systematic or meta-analysis)

  • Introduction
  • Key points of the article (minimum 5)
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Analysis and Discussion
  • Recommendations
  • References
  • Tables and figures.

Maximum length of the manuscript: 5.000 words without references, tables, and graphics.

Maximum of tables and/or figures: 5

Systematic or meta-analysis reviews must follow the PRISMA guideline checklist and the PRISMA guideline for abstracts.

Narrative or scope reviews: are only accepted if they were requested directly by the Editor. They must follow the guidelines described in this document. 


  • Introduction
  • Analysis and discussion 
  • Recommendations (if applies)
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Tables and figures
  • Design a table or figure explaining the controversy being analyzed.

Maximum length of the manuscript: 5.000 words without references, tables, and graphics.

Maximum of tables and/or figures: 5

Controversies are structured in the form of an essay and present research results from the author's analytical, interpretative or critical perspective; the analysis and presentation of the arguments supporting their conclusions are exhaustive.


Tables and figures

Images, diagrams, tables, and graphics are numbered, referenced and included in the text. Also, they must have a title and reference. Abbreviations and acronyms will always be accompanied by an explanatory note at the bottom of the table or figure.

They must be in Times New Roman font, 12-point size.

Consider the following formats:

Images: JPG or PNG of minimum 300 dpi. Avoid screenshots. Send as separate files.

Diagrams: in editable Word or PowerPoint format. Image formats are not accepted.

Graphics: in editable Word format.

Tables: in editable Word format. Texts inside the table must be size 10 and single-spaced. Tables are presented without internal divisions or grids, and "n" is accompanied in another column by the corresponding percentage (%). If a table occupies more than one page, the headings will be repeated on the following page. The table may include bibliographic references and should cite the authorization obtained for its publication.

If photos or patient’s data are included (names, initials or name of the patients’ hospital), these should not identify the subject. In all cases, authors must have obtained the written informed consent of the patient (or from the father or legal tutor in case patients are underage) authorizing its publication, reproduction and distribution in the printed and online version.



Vancouver style must be used for references. They will be presented in the text, in parenthesis in superscript, according to the order of appearance with the corresponding numbering. Names of the journals must be abbreviated based on the style used in the NML Catalogue, available in

 “Unpublished observations” or “personal communication” are NOT accepted. The citation of original articles accepted and in process of publication will be included in the references as [in press] (in square brackets). Provide DOIs and URLs for references whenever possible.

Electronic journal articles:

List all authors if they are six or less; if there are more than seven, mention the first sex and add “et al.”

- Solter NA, Wasserman SL, Auster KF. Cold urticaria: release into the circulation of histamine and eosinophilic chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis during cold challenge. N Engl J Med. 1976;294(13):687-90.

The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) must be added after the page number of the article.

- Mancl EE, Muzevich KM. Tolerability and safety of enteral nutrition in critically ILL patients receiving intravenous vasopressor therapy. J Parenter Enter Nutr. 2013;37(5):641-51. doi:10.1177/0148607112470460.

Work published by an institution (author not specified):

- The Committee on enzymes of the Scandinavian Society for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Psychology. Recommended method for the determination of gammaglutamyltransferase in blood. Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 1976;36:119-25.

Books and other monographs:

- Personal author(s): Osler AG. Complement: Mechanisms and functions. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall; 1976.

- Corporate author: American Medical Association Department of Drugs. AMA Drug evaluations. 3rd ed. Littleton: Publishing Sciences Group; 1977.

- Editor, compilator, director or author: Rhodes AJ, Van Rooye, CE, comps. Textbook o virology for Students and practitioners of medicine and other health sciences. 5th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1968.

Book chapter:

- Weinstein L, Swartz MN. Pathogenetic properties of invading microorganisms. En: Sodeman WA, Jr, Sodeman WA, editores. Pathologic Physiology: Mechanisms of disease. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1974. p. 457-72.


- Yalow RS. New insights with radioimmunoassay. Special Lecture. Western Association of Physicians, 1 Feb. 1978, Carmel, California. National Center for Health Statistics.

Articles in regular journals (non-medical journals):

- Shaffer RA. Advances in chemistry are starting to unlock mysteries of the brain: Discoveries could help cure alcoholism and insomnia, explain mental illness. The Wall Street Journal. 12 Agost 1977, 1 (col. 1), 10 (col. 1).


- Author last name, Name initial. Title [Internet]. Publication year. (consulted on date day month year). Available in: http://Website URL


Ethical responsibilities

If the manuscript is result from research with human beings and/or animals, the approval of an Ethics Research Committee (institutional or regional) must be included in the "Methods" section in the text.

When describing experiments on human beings, it must be stated if the research complied with the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association.

When describing experiments on animals, it must be indicated if the research complied with the ARRIVE guidelines, the guidelines of an international research institution or council (The Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences), or a national law regulating the care and use of laboratory animals (in Colombia, Resolution No. 008430 of October 4, 1993, from the Ministry of Health).

Informed consent

Authors should mention in the "Methods" section that the procedures performed in patients and controls have been carried out after obtaining the informed consent. Likewise, ethic responsibility and informed consent must be stated in the text in the Methods section.


If necessary, it must be mentioned in the "Title Page" format all the people who collaborated with the article, but did not meet the authorship criteria.



All articles published in the Journal should state source of funding. This involves declaring financial relationships with entities in the biomedical field that could be perceived as influential, or that are potentially influential in the results and content of the articles. All public or private entities that sponsored or institutions that participated in the economic funds that financed the research work should be stated. Academic institutions do not need to be disclosed. For example, if a government agency or university sponsored a study about a nutritional/pharmaceutical product provided by a pharmaceutical company, you only need to mention the pharmaceutical company. It is important to disclose any type of economic relationship. If there is no funding source, it must be stated “This study has not received external funding”.

A conflict of interest is an economic or other type of relationship (academic, personal, intellectual) that may affect the opinions, behavior, or manuscript of an author, editor, or reviewer.

Authors must indicate in the “Title page” format if there is any current or potential conflict of interest regarding the production of the manuscript.


In the list of authors, only those who meet each of the following criteria must be included:

  1. To have participated in the conception and design, as well as acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data.
  2. To have participated in the drafting of the article and its reviews.
  3. To have approved the final version of the article to be published.
  4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the article ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Authorship declaration must be stated in the “Title page” format.


Authors of the manuscript: Pedro Pérez, Juan Jiménez and María Rodríguez.

Authorship declaration:

"Conceptualization, X.X. and Y.Y.; Methodology, X.X.; Software, X.X.; Validation, X.X., Y.Y. y Z.Z.; Formal analysis, X.X.; Investigation, X.X.; Resources, X.X.; Data curation, X.X.; Writing of original draft, X.X.; Review and editing, X.X.; Visualization, X.X.; Supervision, X.X.; Project administration, X.X.; Funding acquisition, Y.Y. All authors have read and approved the published version of the manuscript". All authors reviewed the manuscript, agree to be fully accountable for ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the work, and have read and approved the final manuscript. (Please do not modify the text.)

See CRediT taxonomy for the explanation of the terms. Authorship must limit to those who have substantially contributed to the work presented.


The Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism is an open access journal, which means that its articles are available online for all users immediately after publication. The Journal works under the Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), where the non-commercial use and distribution in any format is allowed as long as the author and the Journal are given the appropriate credit. A text product of the remix and transformation of the original article must be published under the same license (CC BY-NC-SA). The Journal acknowledges the importance of copyright, and for no reason, it will request the transfer of these, so the authors keep the copyright of their works, but will be asked to assign the journal the first publication right.

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mails for submissions in this Journal will be used solely for the purposes indicated and will not be given to third parties or for use for other purposes.