Micronutrients in adult critically ill patients: scoping review on parenteral supplementation


  • Judit Perales Pascual Hospital Nuestra Señora de Gracia
  • Ana López Pérez Hospital Ernest Lluch Martin
  • Maria López Pérez Hospital Universitario de Burgos




critical care, micronutrients, trace elements, vitamins, electrolytes, review


Introduction: it is estimated that the prevalence of malnutrition among hospi- talized patients is between 30.00 % and 50.00 %. Objective: to examine the published evidence regarding the necessary intake of micronutrients and calcium in adult cri- tically ill patients. Methods: between January and November 2023, a search was conducted in various databases of scientific litera- ture without imposing strict limitations. The search primarily focused on meta- analyses, randomized clinical trials, and systematic reviews. Results: selenium administration corre- lates with the severity of sepsis; however, a recommendation cannot be established. Zinc doses in trace element solutions are suggested to be deficient, with their provi- sion associated with lower hospital mortali- ty. Calcium supplementation may improve 28-day survival, with its deficiency linked to higher mortality. However, if hypocalcemia is mild or asymptomatic, supplementation is not recommended. Similarly, results obtained regarding the various analyzed vitamins (C, D, E) indicate that supplemen- tation cannot be recommended. Conclusions: the provision of low do- ses of trace elements and vitamins is safe and justified. Regarding vitamins E, D, se- lenium, and zinc, there are contradictory studies, and no precise recommendation is established for patients with increased requirements. High-dose vitamin C admi- nistration does not appear to present any significant clinical effect in septic patients. No guideline recommends supplemen- ting mild hypocalcemia.


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Author Biographies

Ana López Pérez, Hospital Ernest Lluch Martin

Hospital pharmacist since 2019 with Official Master in nutrition and health by the UOC (Universidad Oberta de Catalunya) and own degree by the CEU university in clinical nutrition.

Maria López Pérez, Hospital Universitario de Burgos

Specialist doctor in endocrinology and nutrition.


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How to Cite

Perales Pascual, J., López Pérez, A. ., & López Pérez, M. (2024). Micronutrients in adult critically ill patients: scoping review on parenteral supplementation. Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, 7(3), 23–41. https://doi.org/10.35454/rncm.v7n3.637