Nutritional status upon admission and discharge from hospitalization in bone marrow transplant patients


  • Maria Luisa Belén Rioja Residencia de Nutrición
  • Andrea Paola Greco CEMIC
  • Ornella Agostina Capelli ervicio de Alimentación y Dietoterapia, Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones Clínicas Norberto Quirno (CEMIC). Buenos Aires, Argentina.



bone marrow transplantation, nutritional assessment, signs and symptoms, handgrip strength, anthropometry


Introduction: Bone marrow transplant

(BMT) causes a hypermetabolic state as a consequence of its pretreatment, thus in- creasing nutritional requirements.

Objective: To evaluate the nutritio- nal status of the patient undergoing BMT using Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) at hospital admission and discharge.

Methods: Longitudinal study in 43 pa- tients over 18 years between May 2021 and June 2022. PG-SGA was used at hos- pital admission and discharge, anthropo- metry and dynamometry, gastrointestinal symptoms, and the employ of nutritional support were also used. For the associa- tion between nutritional diagnosis and the variables, the Chi square test (χ2), Fisher exact test and the Mann-Whitney U test were used. The Friedman Test and Pearson Correlation (r) were also used to evaluate the difference between PG-SGA at both times with the variables.

Results: 86.05 % of patients were nor- mo-nourished upon hospital admission, decreasing to 51.16 % upon discharge, and a significant association was found (p = 0.0147) between both moments. No sta- tistically significant correlation was found between mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC) and PG-SGA upon admission (p =

0.5487), as well as for right and left manual dynamometry (p = 0.5894 and p = 0.3494, respectively). Mucositis was the predomi- nant symptom in 66.67 %. It was not pos- sible to assess anthropometry and manual dynamometry upon hospital discharge. Conclusion: Most of the patients were well nourished upon hospital admission, while upon discharge this value decreased by half.


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How to Cite

Belén Rioja, M. L., Greco, A. P., & Capelli, O. A. (2024). Nutritional status upon admission and discharge from hospitalization in bone marrow transplant patients. Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, 7(3).