Alterations in the sense of smell and taste in patients with chronic renal disease, transplant and dialysis and their association with nutritional status


  • Alba N. Carrillo-Degollado Colegio Mexiquense Universitario
  • Estefanía P. Salazar-Guzmán Colegio Mexiquense Universitario
  • Laura E. Gutierrez-Pliego Universidad del Noreste
  • Claudia N. Orozco-González Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana



Renal, Sense of smell, Dialysis, Sense of taste, Nutritional status


Introduction: Chronic renal failure presents with alterations such as anosmia and dysgeusia caused by increased levels of uremic toxins. These can influence patient diet and nutritional status. 

Objective: To analyze the evidence found in the literature on the prevalence, pathophysiology and treatment of loss of taste and smell in patients with renal disease, any replacement therapy and renal transplant, and its association with nutritional status. 

Material and methods: This work is a narrative review. A search was made in PubMed, SciELO, Google Scholar, Elsevier, OVID, Medline and Scopus with the aim of determining the association between nutritional status and total or partial loss of smell and taste. 

Results: The relationship between the loss of smell and the degree of renal failure and accumulation of uremic toxins has been shown. A decreased sense of taste due to zinc deficit and urea elimination through saliva has been described. Altered taste perception in these hemodialysis patients is independently associated with high micronutrient deficits associated with nutritional status and higher mortality.

Conclusions: Loss of smell, taste or both is a frequent condition in patients with chronic renal failure and contributes to nutritional risk in these patients. 


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How to Cite

Carrillo-Degollado, . A. N. ., Salazar-Guzmán, E. P. ., Gutierrez-Pliego, L. E. ., & Orozco-González, C. N. (2023). Alterations in the sense of smell and taste in patients with chronic renal disease, transplant and dialysis and their association with nutritional status. Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, 6(3), 44–51.