Anthropometric assessment of body adiposity and associated cardiovascular risk in an adult population in Neiva, Colombia


  • Deivis Javier Villanueva Pájaro Universidad del Atlántico
  • MD. Fundación Universitaria Navarra
  • María Camila Ojeda Rosero Fundación Universitaria Navarra
  • Nubia Amparo Ruiz Suárez Fundación Universitaria Navarra
  • Juan Carlos Zambrano Arteaga Universidad de Nariño



Obesity, Overweight, Adiposity, Exercise, Abdominal obesity


Introduction: Overweight and obesity are chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) that currently have pandemic dimensions, and are important cardiometabolic risk factors for the development of other NCDs. 

Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of body adiposity and cardiovascular risk based on BMI (Body Mass Index), WHR (Waist Hip Ratio), WHtR (Waist Height Ratio), PMI (Pulse Mass Index) and WC (Waist Circumference) and, in turn, explore the association of those ratios with sociodemographic information, diet quality and physical inactivity. 

Methods: Cross-sectional prevalence study carried out in 971 adults of both sexes coming from the urban area of Neiva, between June 2018 and June 2019. Healthcare professionals performed anthropometry to calculate the above-mentioned ratios, using standardized protocols. Validated cut-off points for the Latin American and Colombian population were used for classification as normal weight, overweight, obesity, abdominal obesity and cardiovascular risk. 

Results: The following prevalences were recorded; 56.5% excess weight (39.5% overweight, 17% obesity), 48% abdominal obesity, 41.1% normal weight, 2.4% underweight, 68.5% cardiovascular risk (43% high cardiovascular risk, 21.7% very high cardiovascular risk), 63.8% moderate and poor diet quality, 57% physical inactivity. These ratios were associated with increasing age, male sex, increased body adiposity, diet quality and physical inactivity. 

Conclusions: The high prevalences for excess weight, overweight, obesity and cardiovascular risk observed in adults in Neiva are due in part to the high proportion of moderate and poor diet quality and physical inactivity. 


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Author Biographies

Deivis Javier Villanueva Pájaro, Universidad del Atlántico


MD., Fundación Universitaria Navarra


María Camila Ojeda Rosero, Fundación Universitaria Navarra


Nubia Amparo Ruiz Suárez, Fundación Universitaria Navarra


Juan Carlos Zambrano Arteaga, Universidad de Nariño

Chemist from the University of Nariño (2005). Master in Biotechnology (2009) and Doctor in Biotechnology (2016) from the National University of Colombia. Researcher of the BIOGEN Group (Bioquímica - Estudios Genéticos) of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Nariño. Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Nariño


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How to Cite

Villanueva Pájaro, D. J., Conde Calderón, D. L. ., Ojeda Rosero, M. C. ., Ruiz Suárez, N. A. ., & Zambrano Arteaga, J. C. (2023). Anthropometric assessment of body adiposity and associated cardiovascular risk in an adult population in Neiva, Colombia. Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, 6(1), 15–29.