Plagiarism Policy

The Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism seeks to promote the publication of articles resulted from research the meet the ethical principles of research, as well as avoid fabrication, falsification, data omission and plagiarism. The Journal complies with the “Code of Conduct for Journal Editors” of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The Journal requests that all participants in the editorial process of articles (editorial committee, scientific committee, reviewers) follow the international ethical standards in the publication of articles. Researchers must meet the following publishing requirements: the submitted work is original, it is not plagiarized and has not been published elsewhere.

According to COPE, “plagiarism ranges from the unreferenced use of others’ published and unpublished ideas including research grant applications to submission under new authorship of a  complex paper, sometimes in a different language. It may occur at any stage of planning, research, writing or publication; it applies to print and electronic versions.” (Dhammi IK, Ul Haq R. What is plagiarism and how to avoid it? Indian J Orthop. 2016;50(6):581-583. doi:10.4103/0019-5413.193485). The main forms of plagiarism are: verbatims, mosaic, paraphrasing, self-plagiarism, duplicate, augmented and segmented publication, text recycling, cyber plagiarism and image plagiarism.

The Editorial Committee of the Journal rejects plagiarism and does not accept, under any circumstance, the publication of plagiarized manuscripts. For the detection of plagiarism, the Journal uses Crossref Similarity Check

The Journal follows the flowcharts recommended by COPE in case of suspected unethical practice in a submitted or published article. In the following link are available all COPE’s flowcharts for every situation:

The Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism reserves the right to contact the authors’ institution in case of confirmed plagiarism, both before and after publication.