Copyright and Open Access statement

The Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism is an open access journal, which means that its articles are available online for all users immediately after publication. The Journal works under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), where the non-commercial use and distribution in any format is allowed as long as the author and the Journal are given the appropriate credit. A text product of the remix and transformation of the original article must be published under the same license (CC BY-NC-SA). The Journal acknowledges the importance of copyright, and for no reason, it will request the transfer of these, so the authors keep the copyright of their works, but will be asked to assign the journal the first publication right.

The benefits for authors who publish under open access with the CC BY-NC-SA license are:

  • Authors reserve the right to share, copy, redistribute and inform about any article published in the Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism in any medium or format with the corresponding reference (authors, journal, volume, issue, year) of the initial publication in the Journal.
  • Authors have the right to adapt (remix, transform and build upon) new works from the articles published in the journal, with the corresponding reference (authors, journal, volume, issue, year) of the initial publication in the Journal.
  • Articles will have a higher visibility and number of readers.

The Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism does not charge any fee to the authors for the submission and publication of their articles, nor to the readers that download the articles for their own academic purpose.



The journal allows that once the issue has been published on the web page, authors can self-archive the final published version of the articles in institutional repositories, thematic repositories or personal web pages. This is allowed as long as the Creative Commons licence (CC BY-NC-SA) is complied and both the authors and the journal are properly credited.