1. How do I submit an article to the Journal?

To submit a manuscript to the journal, you must go to “Submit article”, download the instructions for authors and check if you meet the publication guidelines. Verify the checklist given.

– Download and fill the presentation letter.

– Download and fill the conflict of interest declaration, if necessary.

In the upper part of the page, click “Login” if you already have an account, or “Register” to create a new account.

Fill the form “Submit an article” once you have logged in with the information of the manuscript. You must attach the presentation letter, the text of the manuscript and the conflict of interest declaration (if any). When completing all the steps for submission, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. In case of not receiving it, check if your files have been sent correctly or contact the editor.

2. Does submitting an article have any cost?

 The Journal does not charge any fee for the editorial process of publication of articles, and allows open access to all their publications.

3. What are the criteria for the initial acceptance of articles?

The Journal only accepts original submissions, so the submission of any contribution or publication for consideration by the Editorial Committee indicates it is original and has not been previously published or is being evaluated for publication in other journal. Previously published works in indexed journals are not allowed. National or international clinical guidelines or recommendations published by other journals may be published after validation by the Editor and once the required permissions to published have been granted. Authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permissions to partially reproduce the material, wither text, tables or figures, which should be attached to the article submitted to the journal.

The Editor is responsible for the decision of accepting or rejecting manuscripts sent to the Journal for their publication.

The Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism adheres to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines. Manuscripts should be prepared by following its recommendations, which can be find in http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/manuscript-preparation/preparing-for-submission.html

Without exception, manuscripts will be submitted to a complete evaluation by the Editor for its initial validation. Criteria for this first step include originality, data validation, clarity of writing, authorization by the ethics and research Committee of the place where the research was conducted, strength of conclusions and relevance of the work in the field of clinical nutrition and metabolism. It will be checked that the ICMJE publication guidelines are met.

4. What are the journal sections?

The Journal has the following sections: Editorial/Editorial guest, Original article/Experimental article, Case report, Reviews/Controversies, Letters to the Editor and Other (interviews, guidelines, etc.)

5. Is peer review anonymous?

Peer review consists in an external and anonymous review (Single-blind review). All manuscripts will be evaluated by one or two independent expert reviewers to evaluate scientific quality of the article. A third opinion may be requested to review a manuscript in particular, which will be sent to specialists in the field. With one, two or three opinions, the Editor will define on its publication. The corresponding author will receive the final decision in a period of maximum 60 days, which could be: accepted / not accepted / resend for review / accepted with modifications.

6. How long does it take to get the peer review assessment and the acceptance/rejection of the article?

Reviewers have a period of 14-21 days to send their initial reviews. The corresponding author will receive the final decision in a period of maximum 60 days, after peer-review, where the Editor will decide if the article is accepted / not accepted / resend for review / accepted with modifications. If the article needs modifications, the authors will have 4-6 weeks to submit the modified manuscript.

7. What is the format and style guidelines for the manuscripts?

Format and style guidelines can be found on the Instructions for authors which you can download in the section “Submit an article”. The file of the manuscript must be in Microsoft Word in either of the three languages: English, Spanish or Portuguese. The text must have 1.5 of line spacing, font Arial or Times New Roman of 12-point size. Cursive will only be used for words in other language within the text. Each section of the manuscript must start in a new page in the order indicated on the guidelines. The style required for references is Vancouver style. All manuscript that does not meet the guidelines will be sent back to the author.

8. How can I contact the Editor?

You can write to editor-rmnc@nutriclinicacolombia.org or in the “Contact” section in the top bar of the webpage.

9. In what language are articles published?

The Journal’s Editorial Committee receives manuscripts in English, Spanish and Portuguese. The on-line version will publish Editorials and some selected articles in English and/or Portuguese.

10. What is Online First?

These are the articles recently published that have not been yet assigned to an issue. This service allows users to read articles already gone through the peer-review process before their print publication. These articles can be searched and cited by their DOI. With First online publication, the time it takes for new findings and information to reach the research and academic community decreases significantly.

Users can access the Online First articles through our web page in the following link: https://revistanutricionclinicametabolismo.org/index.php/nutricionclinicametabolismo/issue/view/17