Reflections on the Declaration of Cancun. 2008-2018
Declaration, Rights, Nutritional therapy, Health, Lines of actionAbstract
The 2008 declaration of Cancun is a brave and daring document, but it is mostly about the unification of the associations affiliated with FELANPE who raise their voice for the Human Right of all ill people to have an optimal and timely nutritional therapy, wherever they are, administered by professional and competent personnel. It is a great work, the result of a reflection by Latin American nutritionists, doctors, nurses and chemists who propose 6 lines of alternative actions to improve the quality of service for sick people in Clinical Nutrition. It has been analyzed by different universities mainly in Latin America, but also in other places, has motivated the creation of clinical practice guidelines and nutritional therapy services, besides the consensus of nutritionists
on the role and competence of the clinical nutriologist and the research of Nutritional Evaluation in Latin American hospitals. There are still many areas of opportunity stated by the declaration of Cancun like the Latin-American research network, the Latin-American Nutritional Therapy Services network, the
guidelines for the opening of Specialized Nutritional Therapy services and to achieve more impact on health authorities and the private sector which encourages prevention, diagnosis, treatment and follow up of sick people who have an affected nutritional state be it lacking or excess of it. The challenge for
the following 10 years is to re confirm the commitment of the members of FELANPE and to generate evidence which can improve patient care.
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