The Cartagena Declaration from interdisciplinarity




Declaration, Malnutrition, Interdisciplinary, Principle


The Latin American Federation of Nutrition Therapy, Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (FELANPE), in its general assembly held last May in the city of Cartagena, raised the right to nutritional care and the fight against malnutrition to the category of human right. The Cartagena Declaration, which through 13 Principles addresses the worrying problem of malnutrition, in all its forms, indicates how to raise awareness about this scourge that is much talked about, investigated, assumed, palliated, they obtain few results, but which rarely wins.

It is recognized, then, that malnutrition is a complex problem, requiring complex treatments, which are optimized when disciplines related to nutritional activity such as medicine, nursing, nutrition, pharmacy and rehabilitation, among others, decide to join efforts based on their knowledge and respecting the disciplinary competences, as was explicit in Principle # 4 of the Cartagena Declaration focused on the interdisciplinarity of nutritional care, and as reflected by Humberto Arenas, Alexandra Texeira, Gil Hardy, María Isabel Pedreira, authors who integrate this article which is about this Principle.


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How to Cite

Echeverri, S., Arenas Marquez, H., Hardy, G., Texeira, M. A., Cortes, Y., Nava, E., Joy, L., & Pedreira de Freitas, M. I. (2019). The Cartagena Declaration from interdisciplinarity. Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, 2, 63–75.