Peer-review process

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Once the author has submitted the article, he/she will receive a confirmation email initiating the peer-review process of the manuscript.

Editorial acceptance

The approval of articles is done in two steps. The first being the editorial approval of the topic and content. In a period of 30 days maximum, from the reception of the article, the corresponding author will be notified via e-mail if the submitted article meets the standards and requirements detailed in the section “Criteria for initial acceptance” of the instructions for authors.


The second step is the external and anonymous single-blind peer review of the manuscript. Every article will be reviewed by one or two external peer experts to evaluate the scientific quality of the manuscript. Reviewers have a period of 14-21 days to send their initial reviews.

In case of controversies, a third opinion may be requested to review a manuscript in particular, which will be sent to specialists in the field. With one, two or three opinions, the Editor will define on its publication. The corresponding author will receive the final decision in a period of maximum 60 days, which could be: accepted / not accepted / resend for review / accepted with modifications. If the article needs modifications, the authors will have 4-6 weeks to submit the modified manuscript.

You can find here the peer-review form

Peer-reviewer selection criteria

Reviewers are selected based on suitability, experience and knowledge on the subject matter of the article to be reviewed, with the purpose that their concept meets the standards of a high-quality publication. The expected ethical behavior of reviewers is available in the Ethics, integrity and transparency policy of the Journal.

The Editor is responsible of the decision to accept or reject the manuscripts submitted to the Journal for their publication. Any additional information, please contact Diana Cárdenas, MD., PhD. Editor-in-chief of the Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, e-mail: