Vitamin B12 levels: Association with anemia, creatinine, and transaminases. Cross-sectional association study


  • Lizet Paola Moreno Moreno Institución Prestadora de Servicios de Salud (IPS) Sura, Bogotá, Colombia.
  • Luz Eugenia Pérez Jaramillo Grupo de Investigaciones Clínicas Sura, Centro de Biociencias-Ayudas Diagnósticas. Medellín, Colombia.



vitamin B12 deficiency, transcobalamins, vitamin B12, anemia, creatinine, transaminases


Introduction: Vitamin B12 levels can vary due to comorbidities such as renal and hepatic diseases, which can result in measurements that do not accurately reflect deficiencies or elevations of this vitamin. This affects the precision of refe- rence ranges and the true prevalence of its alterations. Objective: To determine the prevalen- ce of alterations in vitamin B12 levels and their association with anemia, creatinine levels, and transaminases in a Colombian population. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Patients with vitamin B12 measurements in Bogota, Medellin, Cali, and Barranquilla, affiliated with a health services entity in Colombia during 2017, were analyzed. The relationship between vitamin B12 le- vels and the presence of anemia, as well as creatinine and transaminase levels, was evaluated. Results: A total of 24,897 patients we- re included. The prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency was 2.60 % and 3.30 % according to laboratory reference ranges and literature, respectively. 11.86 % of pa- tients had elevated levels of vitamin B12. Macrocytic anemia was not common in vitamin B12 deficiency. A higher propor- tion of patients with elevated creatinine and transaminase levels was observed among those with high vitamin B12 levels. Conclusions: The prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency was low compared to other populations. No association with the pre- sence of macrocytosis was found. Elevated levels of vitamin B12 were observed in patients with alterations in creatinine and transaminases, indicating a possible spu- rious elevation.


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How to Cite

Moreno Moreno, L. P., & Pérez Jaramillo, L. E. (2024). Vitamin B12 levels: Association with anemia, creatinine, and transaminases. Cross-sectional association study. Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, 7(3), 4–13.