Basic concepts in palliative care


  • Juan Guillermo Santacruz Servicio de Cuidado Paliativo Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fé de Bogotá, Instituto de Cáncer Carlos Ardila Lülle
  • Luisa Fernanda Martinez Gil



Palliative care, Quality of life, Chronic disease


Historically, palliative care has been considered as a care intervention seeking to mitigate distress by holistically integrating all aspects of the individual: physical, psychosocial and spiritual. This care is applied to patients with both malignant and non-malignant chronic and life-threatening diseases, exclusively in the final stages. This perception has changed over time, since currently the objective of palliative care is to improve quality of life not only of patients, but also of families who face this type of disease, from the moment of diagnosis and throughout its progression. Palliative care has been shown to favor adequate adherence to treatments in early stages, and even improve survival in some conditions, becoming increasingly necessary and intense in advanced disease stages through adequate symptomatic control and multidisciplinary intervention. This article presents the basic concepts, a historical framework, and opens a new perspective to understand the role of palliative care in nutrition.


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How to Cite

Santacruz, J. G., & Martinez Gil, L. F. (2020). Basic concepts in palliative care. Journal Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, 4(2), 14–18.